04.02.2021 Frankfurt Digital Finance 2021 - What could politics do for fintechs?
03.02.2021 Neuigkeiten zum Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz
29.01.2021 ECJ defines end of bid-rigging cartels and limits of enforcement
27.01.2021 New Corona Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance
27.01.2021 Threat of downward spiral for onshore wind power
22.01.2021 Gerichtsstand bei gemeinsamer Inanspruchnahme von Dienstleister und Kreditinstitut
19.01.2021 "ARC Digitisation Act" came into force today - important changes to the German Competition Act [Update]
13.01.2021 Investment protection in EU-UK relations after Brexit
21.12.2020 Ordre public respected in the case of examination of witnesses without an interpreter