Today's working environment is undergoing a dramatic change: the globalisation of the labour market, demographic change and, above all, new technologies are changing working arrangements, places of work and working hours. This change to the working environment is affecting employees and employers alike - the relationship with one another offers new opportunities to raise potential on both sides. Company processes and organisational structures are in a state of change: networks, even across company borders, are emerging and leading to new, innovative forms of cooperation and the transformation of existing structures. The introduction of an innovative work culture leads to new ways of thinking and acting within the company and fosters new forms of collaboration, such as crowdsourcing or open talent networks, which increase effectiveness.
The introduction of new technologies to support employees can unlock new efficiency potential in companies: cloud, artificial intelligence, Big Data analytics or robotics. This presents new opportunities - but must also be legally enshrined in the corporate organisation.
Luther can advise companies on all legal issues relating to the innovative topic “Future Work”. We provide advice on "modern work style" issues, including amongst other things flexible freelancing concepts, the use of open talent networks or flexible working time arrangements. We can assist you with the implementation of an innovative culture, e.g. with establishing incubators or innovation hubs or any legal issues surrounding models of innovation, such as agile work, scrum or crowdwork, as well as the use of technology to increase efficiency. Using modern, innovative methods and tools, we can assist you with the launch of employee KPIs and assessment systems as well as with issues relating to employee training.
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