Berlin - Akelius has sold around 2,800 apartments in five major German cities to Deutsche Wohnen SE. Luther provided legal support for the transaction.
19 March 2019
Berlin - Akelius has sold around 2,800 apartments in five major German cities to Deutsche Wohnen SE. Luther provided legal support for the transaction.
The Akelius Group, listed in Sweden, is one of the largest private real estate companies in Europe. Akelius has now sold around 2,800 of its apartments in Germany with the support of a team from Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft led by partner Detlev Stoecker.
The real estate portfolio consists mainly of old, post-war and new buildings, all in central locations in Frankfurt, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Wiesbaden and Mainz. The buyer is a subsidiary of Deutsche Wohnen SE.
The purchase price amounted to EUR 685 million.
For Akelius:
Luther Berlin: Detlev Stoecker (lead), Carsten Brutschke, Dr. Florian Schuhmacher (all Real Estate), Dr. Paul Gooren (Employment)
The tax advice was provided by Warth & Klein Grant Thornton, Berlin under the leadership of Matthias Lowa.
Detlev Stoecker