Energy Law

Our energy law experts work closely together to offer our clients an interdisciplinary and international perspective. This collaboration enables us to provide comprehensive solutions to the complex challenges in the dynamic world of energy law. Here at Luther, we understand the challenges faced by companies in the field of energy and assist our clients in the transformation of energy supply. Our energy law team specialises in developing solutions that are both legally and economically sound. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you succeed in the ever-changing energy landscape.

Our range of advisory services

Energy industry law/Regulation

In the fields of energy industry law and regulation, we advice our clients on all matters relating to the legal framework of the energy industry. From market approval to the implementation of regulatory requirements, we are by your side to ensure your company acts in compliance with the legal requirements.

  • Implementation of unbundling requirements in the electricity, gas and hydrogen industries
  • Certification of transmission system operators
  • Regulation of the operation of energy supply grids
  • Network connection and network access regulation
  • Regulation of network access charges/incentive regulation; exemption of certain special types of infrastructure and innovative projects from regulation
  • Representation before regulatory authorities and in court
  • Basic and substitute supply
  • Advice on energy storage business models
  • Access to underground natural gas storage facilities
  • Advice on “closed distribution systems” and “customer facilities”
  • Conclusion of right-of-way agreements and concession contracts
  • Advice on potential cooperation and participation models in connection with the award of concession contracts
  • Regulation of biogas feed-in into public natural gas grids
Energy antitrust law

Based on our expertise in energy antitrust law, we can advise clients on antitrust issues and help them maintain fair competition practices. We ensure that your company can operate successfully in a dynamic market environment.

  • Transactional antitrust advice in the energy sector
  • Adequacy of prices for electricity, gas, hydrogen, district heat and water
  • Other abuse of dominance control
  • Cooperation between energy suppliers/grid operators/energy service providers
  • Compatibility of long-term supply contracts or grid access contracts with antitrust law
  • German and European merger control/coordination of filing requirements
  • Development and implementation of compliance systems
  • Advice and representation in antitrust fine proceedings
Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and Combined Heat and Power Generation Act (KWKG)

The German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and the German Combined Heat and Power Generation Act (KWKG) are central instruments in promoting renewable energy sources and efficient energy generation. Our experts can help you make the best possible use of these laws to develop and implement sustainable energy solutions.

  • Due diligence on renewable energy projects in the fields of onshore and offshore wind energy, solar thermal energy, photovoltaics, hydrogen, geothermal energy, biomass, hydropower, sewage gas and mine gas under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and the Combined Heat and Power Generation Act (KWKG)
  • Connection and remuneration obligations/eligibility for funding of renewable energy projects/duration and amount of feed-in tariffs
  • Direct marketing
  • Approval of power plants according to the Combined Heat and Power Generation Act (KWKG)
  • Eligibility for funding of cogeneration plants, heating and cooling networks and heat and cold storage facilities
  • Limitation of cogeneration surcharge
Energy contract law/Energy trading

In the fields of energy contract law and energy trading, we offer customised advice on contracts and transactions in the energy industry. Our aim is to ensure that you have in place robust contracts that provide for maximum flexibility for your company in energy trading.

  • Drafting and negotiation of energy supply contracts in the electricity, gas, hydrogen and heat sectors
  • Drafting and negotiation of power purchase agreements (PPAs)
  • Drafting of grid connection and grid access contracts
  • Drafting of contracts regarding the operation of metering points
  • Drafting and negotiation of energy storage contracts
  • Representation in courts (of arbitration) of companies in civil-law disputes related to energy trading agreements
  • Price adjustments and representation in court of energy suppliers in proceedings to determine whether electricity and gas prices and network and metering charges are reasonable, as required by Section 315 German Civil Code (BGB)
  • Negotiation of energy trading contracts and emission rights trading on the basis of standard agreements (EFET, ISDA, DRV, IETA)
  • Negotiation and conclusion of supplementary agreements to commercial contracts such as CSA, CPMA or MNA
  • Legal advice on regulatory issues in energy trading/organised markets (in particular, reporting and publication obligations, market manipulation and insider trading)
  • Drafting of contracts for power plant projects or renewable energy projects
  • Drafting and negotiating of contracting projects


26.02.2025 Press Release
New partner from March 2025: Luther gains experienced expert in real estate law, Lars Bollensen
Luther wins the 2024 JUVE Award as law firm of the year for regulation
Luther advises ista SE on the takeover of Chargemaker GmbH
Green growth: Luther advises Sunrock on EUR 100 million project financing
Luther advises on the largest Net Zero project in the European steel industry - EUR 2.6 billion funding approved for the use of green hydrogen

Key Contact >>

Key Contact

Dr Holger Stappert


T +49 211 5660 24843


State of Berlin - Advice on the acquisition of GASAG AG and ist district heating network
SHS - Stahl-Holding-Saar GmbH & Co. KGaA - Comprehensive legal advice on environmental, planning, state aid, energy and public procurement law in the pioneering ‘Green Steel’ project to decarbonise steel production and state aid advice on obtaining subsidies of EUR 2.6 billion
Deutsche Telekom AG - Advice on the conclusion of an offshore PPA with EnBW
Energy Infrastructure Partners AG - Advice on the acquisition of the 19.85% stake in Fluxys NV/SA (‘Fluxys’) held by Caisse de dé dépôt et placement du Québec. Fluxys operates gas pipelines and, among other things, an LNG terminal in Zeebrugge. In Germany, Fluxys operates the TENP and EUGAL pipelines. In particular, advice on regulatory issues, including unbundling, regulatory peculiarities and due diligence
Deutsche Energy Terminals GmbH - Advice and successful representation in the initiation of abuse proceedings before the Federal Network Agency and the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court in the context of a positive state aid decision in the amount of approximately EUR 4 billion
Gas trading company – Advice on the planned sale of a minority interest in a biogas plant operating company
Transmission system operator – Preparation of a legal report on the market-based procurement of black start capability
Energy supplier – Energy and state aid law advice on the construction of a hybrid large-scale battery storage system
INEOS Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH – Advice on the production of green hydrogen and energy law advice on a planned hydrogen electrolyzer
Sunrock Holding Deutschland GmbH – Advice in connection with securing a financing for a solar park portfolio in the amount of EUR 100 million
Lichtblick SE – Comprehensive legal advice on the acquisition of all shares in Solargrün GmbH
Evonik Operations GmbH – Advice on the conclusion of an offshore PPA with EnBW for the He Dreiht offshore wind farm for an installed capacity of 150 MW
RWTH Aachen – Advice on an innovation project for CO2-neutral district heating using geothermal energy, photovoltaics, heat pumps, waste heat utilisation, supply via energy grid, enabling e-mobility
MET Holding AG – Advice on the sale of the H2 Lubmin stake to Foresight
Eiffel Investment Group – Regular performance of due diligence for PV and onshore wind plants
Dutch energy supplier – Legal advice on the planned participation in an LNG operating company
SEFE Securing Energy for Europe GmbH – Advice on the purchase of green hydrogen from Norway
German energy trading company – Advice on the development of a target operating model
SEFE Securing Energy for Europe GmbH - Advising on the conclusion of a term sheet for the import of green ammonia and green hydrogen from Canada
Investor in energy assets – Advice on the planned acquisition of up to 50% of the shares in an offshore wind farm operating company
German energy supplier – Advice on a request for information due to alleged market abuse under REMIT through misleading signals
Swiss energy supplier – Representation in ICC arbitration proceedings against an energy supplier due to omitted gas deliveries
Energy supplier – Defence against the accusation of an alleged violation of the prohibition of market manipulation under the EEX Code of Conduct as well as possible defence in a possible administrative offence by the BaFin in the same matter
Bayernwerk Natur GmbH – Advice on the acquisition of a ground-mounted PV park from a project development company for plants of energy supply from renewable energy sources
Gas trading company - Advice on the planned acquisition of a biogas portfolio
Dutch energy supplier - Advice on the planned acquisition of one of the largest direct marketing companies in Germany
Energy supplier – Legal review of the legal consequences of the partial market decoupling of EPEX SPOT for certain contracts of the clients
Solar project developer – Legal advice in connection with various issues regarding the (flexible) use of battery storage in connection with PV systems on commercial properties
ista SE – Advice on the acquisition of Chargemaker from Mainova and Dussmann
Asset manager for real estate - Advice on the acquisition of a solar portfolio, including conducting DD, tax DD, advice on structuring the transaction, reviewing and negotiating all documentation and assisting with the signing / closing process
Tennet TSO GmbH - Successful defence against a claim by OWP Nordsee Ost for disruption of grid connection
Lichtblick SE - Comprehensive legal and tax advice on the acquisition of the trades platform Installion
Global Infrastructure Management, LLC - Advice on regulatory issues in the context of the acquisition by Black Rock (transaction volume of EUR 12.5 billion)
British energy supplier – Advice on the conclusion of physical option contracts for the purchase of electricity
Refinery operator – Advice on the establishment of two joint ventures for the large-scale industrial production of hydrogen
Storage facility operator – Comprehensive legal advice on the possible decommissioning of a cavern storage facility
Confectionery manufacturer – Advice on a power plant project (biomass)
EEW Energy from Waste GmbH – Successful representation before the ECJ and the Federal Court of Justice in a dispute over whether thermal waste recycling plants take precedence over conventional plants under the Renewable Energy Directive
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy – Advice on the design of the energy price brakes
Eneco B. V. – Advice on the sale to Mitsubishi
Energy trading company – Advice on a possible levy system for additional gas costs under the Energy Security Act
Automotive manufacturer – Advice on the Measurement and Calibration Act
Energy supplier – Advice and representation in proceedings before the BKartA to examine possible abuse of the relief provisions under the Natural Gas Heating Price Control Act
MET Holding (CH) - Advice on market entry in Germany and the establishment of a company for gas supply, gas trading and gas storage
Uniper Global Commodities – Defence against allegations of market abuse under REMIT
INEOS Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH - Negotiation of several large-scale international PPAs with RWE, Electrabel, Eneco
E.ON Bioerdgas - Successful defence against price adjustment claim for the supply of biogas
German energy supplier – Advice on the compatibility of the trading strategy and specific trading transactions with REMIT, response to a request from the trading supervisory authority of EPEX Spot