02.01.2023 // Mathieu Laurent // Marie-Louise Peretti // Corporate/M&A
Luther recently contributed to Thomson Reuters Practical Law Guide on Private Mergers and Acquisitions in Luxembourg.
Mathieu Laurent (Avocat à la Cour, Partner), Anna Gassner (Avocat à la Cour, Partner), and Marie-Louise Peretti (Head of Knowledge Management, Avocat), provide a high-level overview of key issues including corporate entities and acquisition methods, preliminary agreements, main documents, warranties and indemnities, acquisition financing, signing and closing, tax, employees, pensions, competition, and environmental issues. This guide was prepared in association with Atoz (a Luxembourg member of the Taxand network) for the tax questions.
Don't miss out on this publication and click here to access the Q&A:
Private Mergers and Acquisitions in Luxembourg: Overview | Practical Law (thomsonreuters.com)
Mathieu Laurent
+352 27484 1
Marie-Louise Peretti
+352 27484 1