Legal Tech: Technology Support

Our experts at Luther.Solutions design and produce digital services and solutions developed within the legal design framework. This includes the automation and simplification of work steps and functions by means of tools and IT solutions. The aim is to increase the efficiency, quality and transparency of processing through the use of these solutions.

These steps are taken in moderated workshops with participants from the client and Luther. Digital services can comprise the automation of recurring documents or templates or tools to manage recurring legal queries intuitively and efficiently within the organisation. Platforms are used for efficient communication during the mandate, for central storage and structuring of documents and information or to present project progress in an optimised manner. Our specialists design these solutions and integrate them into the work performed for the client or the client's workflow. The solution is fully integrated in the organisation through education and training.


Subject areas

  • Conducting innovation workshops in order to develop solution components
  • Fine-tuning of the work steps and tool functionality
  • If required: developing prototypes
  • Designing IT solutions based on legal tech tools (low/no-code applications)
  • Developing automation routines based on RPA or Microsoft products
  • Preparing documentation and training materials
  • Training end users
  • Providing support to the organisation during implementation
  • If required: providing user support

Our Services

Luther.Collaboration – collaboration for legal matters

Digitalisation not only changes processes and working methods in companies, but also the culture of collaboration. In view of these requirements, new ways are needed for the exchange of information, documents and knowledge in the legal context as well as for cooperation and networking between the legal department and corporate divisions and external partners. Luther.Collaboration forms a central building block on the path to digital transformation. With the help of the platform, we are able to handle projects and requests transparently, efficiently and securely.

“Luther.Collaboration” facilitates the efficient and secure exchange of information between all
parties involved, the transfer and exchange of documents in protected areas and transparent
process monitoring. Our collaboration platform received the PMN Management Award for innovative enterprise and business development in 2019.


Luther.Document Automation

Digital processes and business models in the company give rise to increased requirements with regard to the efficiency of processes and workflows in legal departments and law firms. New ways are needed to pool legal knowledge and make it available to the organisation. Contract automation in the legal department and other business units makes it possible for the legal department to provide legal assessments and to perform legal reviews of documents in a fast, efficient and
up-to-date manner. With Luther.Document Automation, we provide an innovative approach for the optimised and automated preparation of legal assessments and documents.


Luther.Legal Mass Proceedings Services

The emission scandal caused by manipulated diesel engines and the related wave of legal actions against car manufacturers is just one example of the growing number of mass proceedings in the market. In addition to the automotive industry, we anticipate that the health care, telecommunications and media industries and trade will also see a strong increase in mass proceedings in the future. In this context, another important aspect, apart from legal competence, will be the efficient and transparent handling of legal actions.

Especially legal mass proceedings, with their specific requirements for the orchestration of the overall process, require a viable solution for the secure exchange of information, documents and knowledge, the coordination of appointments and meetings, and collaboration among all parties involved in the proceedings. With Luther.Legal Case Management, we have developed a process management tool that has been tested in practice on multiple occasions and which places us in a position to handle these legal mass proceedings efficiently, or to assist our clients efficiently and transparently in their own handling of such


Luther.Workflow Automation

As digitalisation advances, the processes and procedures used in law firms and legal departments are changing. In light of increasing demands from the individual areas, we need to break new ground as regards networking and the exchange of information. Existing processes should be scrutinised at regular intervals and, where necessary, optimised and, to the extent reasonable, automated. With Luther.WorkflowAutomation, we can provide an innovative approach to optimising and automating legal workflows and processes and make use of a ground-breaking digital instrument: robotic process automation (RPA).

The objective of this approach is to question the efficiency of legal processes. Especially daily internal procedures hold great potential for automation. With our process design and automation approach, we can offer integrated advice using innovative technical services: robotic process automation (RPA). The organisational efficiency gains resulting from this can be re-invested in the work on complex legal issues.


Luther.Artificial Intelligence & eDiscovery

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a driving force in digital transformation. It facilitates machine learning and the automation of intelligent behaviour in an extraordinary way, paving the way for new services or even new business models in companies and industries. With Luther. Artificial Intelligence, we can develop innovative solutions using AI to analyse mass information or mass documents, link them intelligently and incorporate them into business processes.

We combine legal expertise, a holistic process model, proven tools and experienced solution partners to jointly develop complex legal services or innovative functional enhancements in line with user requirements through the use of AI systems. We combine business requirements and technology in a proven process model to create a new or improved, innovative business process.


Luther.Smart Lease – the automated lease contract

Luther.Smart Lease is your digital solution for the automated, uniform and therefore standardised drafting of a variety of lease agreements for all asset classes and thus for any portfolio.





Luther develops solution for internal AI language model in collaboration with Fraunhofer IAIS
22.09.2022 Press Release
The Incoterms® 2020 Digital Guide for International Commercial Contracts: Now available in English

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Key Contact

Günter Krieglstein


T +49 221 9937 25796