Environment & Planning Law, Regulatory

In the area of public business law there will be a focus over the next few years on issues relating to environment law. These issues are becoming increasingly important for companies, not only at the different management stages, but also in the context of building and planning law. In industrialised countries this is due to growing environmental awareness, the capital market's demand for companies to undertake to protect the environment and as a result of conflicts arising from the close coexistence of industries and usage requiring protection. Climate change also requires radical changes be made with regard to the consumption of fossil fuels, but at the same time, there is a reluctance to accept technologies which are perceived as critical (e.g. nuclear energy, CCS). It is important to preserve agricultural areas to allow for the production of food for a growing world population and for the production of renewable raw materials. The European Commission is, therefore, aspiring to reorganise the European economies into so called "low carbon economies".

On the one hand, these developments entail considerable risks for the companies concerned and a number of other companies that specialise in or depend on the production and use of fossil energy (such as the oil industry, the air transport sector, car producers). On the other hand, considerable opportunities for companies offering environment protection products and services are being created.  This affects, in particular, the construction of energy efficient machines and equipment as well as the production of plants for the production of renewable energy and also the real estate industry, insofar as it considerably reduces the real estate industry's energy needs and replaces them with renewable energy. This can also be advantageous for power plant manufacturers offering combined heat and power as well as for the mass transport in local and long-distance rail traffic.

In our news blog, the team also provides information on current topics in the fields of environment, planning and regulation.

Luther advises companies on the following topics:

Consulting topics
  • Renewable energy 
  • Planning and environmental risk assessment
  • Construction, operation and closure of industrial plants
  • General development plans and land development, urban development contracts
  • Soil conservation and remediation of contaminated sites
  • Environmentally friendly company organisation
  • Mining and securing supplies of raw materials
  • Water protection and water use
  • Nature and landscape conservation, species conservation
  • Waste management
  • German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG)
  • Information obtained from public authorities
  • Expropriations, compensation and public liability
  • State aid
  • Environment due diligence
  • Climate protection and emission trading
  • Approval of construction projects
  • Administrative proceedings and administrative court proceedings


Luther advises ista SE on the takeover of Chargemaker GmbH
18.06.2024 Press Release
Pharmaceutical industry: Luther advises Lyomark Pharma on sale of Lyocontract GmbH to US PE investor
Luther advises on the largest Net Zero project in the European steel industry - EUR 2.6 billion funding approved for the use of green hydrogen
District heating in Berlin: Luther successfully advises the State of Berlin in the bidding process for the acquisition of Vattenfall Wärme Berlin
09.03.2023 Press Release
Growth in Southern Germany: Prosthetics manufacturer Ottobock acquires the Brillinger medical supply store chain with Luther

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Key Contact

Dr Stefan Kobes


T +49 30 52133 0