
PreussenElektra wins against Electrabel before a court of arbitration

An international court of arbitration decided almost entirely in favor of PreussenElektra GmbH, an E.ON subsidiary, based on legal actions between PreussenElektra and Electrabel S.A., Belgium, regarding payment obligations resulting from mutual electricity supply agreements concluded in 2009.


An international court of arbitration decided almost entirely in favor of PreussenElektra GmbH, an E.ON subsidiary, based on legal actions between PreussenElektra and Electrabel S.A., Belgium, regarding payment obligations resulting from mutual electricity supply agreements concluded in 2009. PreussenElektra was not obliged to pay the Belgian nuclear tax in the amount of EUR 321 million.

For PreussenElektra GmbH:

Luther: Dr. Richard Happ (Lead, Partner), Dr. Ulrich Theune, Ariam Buck.

Stibbe: Wouter Geldhof (Energy Law, Partner), Marthe Maselis

PreussenElektra Inhouse Law: Dr. Mario Pohlmann, Dr. Andreas Schirra