10.06.2021 // online // Webinar

Luther Global Webinar Series – The Future Starts Now – Green Tax – Carbon Border Tax

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People all over the world are asking themselves how the world and their environment will look like after the severe shock caused by pandemic. However, it is not just because of Corona but also because of worldwide challenges, e.g. climate change, shortage of resources or a growing world population. Questions arising in this context relate to almost all aspects of our day-to-day life as we knew it. This is reason enough for Luther as one of the leading German business law firms to try to get to the bottom of the challenges to face in this complex international context. We will touch on and discuss hot topics including technology, supply chain organisation, life sciences or human rights and environmental arbitration.
We are delighted to invite you to share with us and some exquisite panelists in a series of webinars ideas and views from around the globe how economies tackle the massive challenges of our generation and the generations to come.

Welcome to Luther International Conference - THE FUTURE STARTS NOW !

Green Tax – Carbon Border Tax
10 June 2021, 4 p.m. till 5.30 p.m. CEST

The European Green Deal includes a so-called “Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism” (CBAM) as a key measure to be launched in 2021 in the context of a renewal of the Energy Tax Directive.
A CBAM is supposed to reflect the carbon content of the product by putting an additional price tag on imported goods. This means a cost increase related to CO2 and CO2-equivalent emissions primarily for products that are produced outside the EU but sold in the European market.
The most likely form of a CBAM is currently a tax. To companies outside the EU, the CBAM or carbon border tax is already now strategically relevant under the following aspects:
■ Which sectors are covered by the carbon border tax?
■ How is the amount of the carbon border tax calculated?
■ What possibilities exist for relief or exemption from the carbon border tax?

If you are interested in attending, please register by completing and returning the form to contact@luther-lawfirm.com. We will inform you by mail about the further steps. Participation in the webinar is free of charge.

Externe(r) Referent/in

Robert Jan Jeekel
ArcelorMittal, Belgium

David Kaufman
Nixon Peabody, USA

June Lee
Kim & Chang, Korea